By: ASN Canada FIA
The Briggs & Stratton Engine is a class that is based on an economically-priced, sealed, purpose-built engine.
We remind you that the 2012 Briggs & Stratton Senior Canadian Class Championship at Mont Tremblant was based on having taken an engine out of the original sealed shipping carton, placed directly on the engine, filled with oil, tuned to correct class carburetor setting and run for the weekend.
To help avoid creating an impression that an engine from one source has an advantage from over an engine from another source, we are restricting the identity of the engine to Briggs and Stratton.
While this may seem restrictive to some from a commercial perspective, in the long term, it is in the best interest of the participants and to support the sustainability and growth of the 4-cycle classes using the LO206.
To view the official bulletin from ASN Canada FIA click the link: 2013-ASN-Kart-Bulletin-04-June20-Engine-Names