Welcome to CKN Chatter, where CanadianKartingNews.com sits down with go-karters from across our nation and around the world. This weekly feature will see a different kart racer interviewed by CKN each week, with quick and simple questions about their karting past, present and future.
Back into our usual schedule, this Monday’s driver is another 2012 ASN Canadian National Karting Champion. Trevor Rancier won what was quite possibly the most exciting Final at this years Canadian Championships, taking the top position in Briggs & Stratton Junior.

Name: Trevor Rancier
Hometown: Bowmanville, Ontario
Age: 16
Years Racing: 8
Chassis Raced (to date): KnK
Favourite Track: Mont- Tremblant
Racing Idols: Mark Martin, Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso,
Supporters: My Parents and Grandparents
Accomplishments: 9 Championships, won the Ontario Grand Nationals and Canadian National Championships (2012).
Education Aspirations/Job: Student
To start, can you quickly recap your 2012 ASN Canadian Karting Championships?
During the race I sat in second knowing I had a faster kart just waiting to make my move on the last lap, last corner.
What is your most memorable karting moment?
The most memorable karting moment for me was winning a Grand National Bear when I was in Novice.
First trophy ever won? Do you still have it?
The first trophy I won was competing in the Novice category in 2007 at the Mosport DDT track, I finished second and yes I do.
How did you get started in karting?
I got interested in kart when I was 4 years of age, my cousin had been racing at the time and he let me sit in his kart.
What is your favourite thing about racing?
My favourite thing about racing is meeting new people and getting to know peoples strategies on the track.
Who is your favourite person to race against and why?
Well there are lots of people but I like racing against, but Taegen Poles because she has never ran me off the track or took me out at all.
If there is someone from another generation you could race against, who would it be and why?
I would really like to race agents Darren White because he is a really good at what he does and he sets the bar high for everybody racing against him.
When you look at karting from a fan/spectator point of view, what do you see?
From a fan/spectator point of view I see a lot of close competition on the race track.

Trevor Rancier also competed in the Rotax Junior division in 2012 at the Eastern Canadian Karting Championship
What is your current perspective on Canadian Karting and how do you think we could improve it?
My current perspective on Canadian karting is there is too much politics. You could improve that by getting people who know about racing and understand racing.
If you could win one race, and only one race, then retire, what would it be and why?
I would think it would be the Florida Winter Tour because then I would know how it feels to go to the worlds (Rotax Grand Finals).
If you could choose one, would you choose a chassis tuner, engine tuner and driver coach?
I think it would be a chassis tuner.
What is something karting people don’t know about you?
I like to longboard.