Welcome to CKN Chatter, where CanadianKartingNews.com sits down with go-karters from across our nation and around the world. This weekly feature will see a different kart racer interviewed by CKN each week, with quick and simple questions about their karting past, present and future.
Continuing with our 2012 ASN Canadian National Karting Champions, this week Rotax Mini-Max Champion Gianfranco Mazzaferro of the Ferrolati Corse karting team sits down with CKN. Mazzaferro had a stellar 2012 campaign, that saw him take three major Canadian Championships in one season, adding the Eastern Canadian Karting Championship and Quebec Cup Mini-Max Championships to his Canadian Crown.

Gianfranco Mazzaferro earned three major championships in 2012
Name: Gianfranco Mazzaferro
Hometown: Montreal, Quebec
Age: 12
Years Racing: 4 yrs
Chassis Raced (to date): Tony Kart, CRG, Zanardi
Favourite Track: Jim Russell Karting Academy, Mont-Tremblant, QC
Racing Idols: Fernando Alonso
Supporters: My Parents and Family (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins)
Accomplishments: 3 National Titles in 2012 (ECKC, Canadian Nationals, Qc Cup)
Education Aspirations/Job: Finishing University and working in the Motorsports industy
1. To start, can you quickly recap your 2012 ASN Canadian Karting Championships?
The Canadian Championships was one of my best races to day. It was very challenging because of the competition I had with Devlin Defrancesco. It was also a very exhilarating race because of the crowd and the amazing talents that were present.
2. What is your most memorable karting moment?
I would have to say by most memorable moment was winning this years Canadian Nationals in my final year in Mini-Max. But also getting the pole-position at Le Monaco de Trois Rivieres this year, as I was racing against the 2012 Florida Winter Tour Mini-Max Champion Pedro Cardoso from Brazil. I would also like to make note about winning the Rookie of the Year in 2009.
3. First trophy ever won? Do you still have it?
My first trophy I won was at ICAR in MICRO-MAX in 2009. Of course I still have it!
4. How did you get started in karting?
My parents bought me a Poof Kart when i was 6 years old, and rest is history.

Mazzaferro celebrates his first Canadian Championship at Mont-Tremblant in August
5. What is your favourite thing about racing?
My favourite thing about racing is definitely the speed! I like the rush; the only thing I think about when I am driving is to drive my kart the best way I know how and to do my best in the races…hopefully getting the WIN!
6. Who is your favourite person to race against and why?
I love to race against Devlin Defrancesco because he is a great driver and he has a lot of experience. He has driven in Canada, the US and in Europe.
7. If there is someone from another generation you could race against, who would it be and why?
I would love to have raced against MIKE WILSON, because I know him know and he was a 6X WORLD CHAMPION!
8. When you look at karting from a fan/spectator point of view, what do you see?
I see that it is an amazing sport that not too many people know about, especially here in Canada. I love seeing everyone getting ready and there is a certain kind of “family” atmosphere even if we are competing.

In ECKC competition this year, Mazzaferro was victorious in 3 of the six races
9. What is your current perspective on Canadian Karting and how do you think we could improve it?
I think that Canadian Karting is good, but there is room for improvement, I believe we need bigger fields, and there should be more incentives for the drivers. If we could get more companies to sponsor that would be great.
10. If you could win one race, and only one race, then retire, what would it be and why?
The World Championship, because it is the “Olympics of karting” and if you make it there, you know you are one of the best in the WORLD!
11. If you could choose one, would you choose a chassis tuner, engine tuner and driver coach?
A Chassis Tuner.