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Buy a New Rotax Kart Engine and Race for Free!

Club News

Buy a New Rotax Kart Engine and Race for Free!

Last week, Rotax Max Challenge Canada provided racers with a great opportunity to purchase a new cylinder with an incentive to get half the cost back. This week, there is another great promotional offer for club racers looking to score a deal for 2018.

Check it out in the note below, which was forwarded to us.

Buy any new engine from the Rotax MAX family and your local club will receive up to $800 to cover your race entry fees! This program is an incentive for Rotax racers to race.

How does it work?

You buy a new Rotax kart engine from your authorized dealer, then select a kart club which currently offers Rotax classes in their regular race day and the club will receive up to $800 to put apply towards your club race entry fees.


A. You are member of the RACING FANATICS Kart Club

This club has a 10 race series with Rotax classes where entry fees are $100 per race. Your club will receive $800 and you will race for free for the 8 first events.

B. You are member of the RACING STARS Kart Club

This club has an 8 race series with Rotax classes where entry fees are $80. Your club will receive $640 and will let you race for free for the 10 races.

C. You are member of LOW-SPEED Kart Club

This club has a 10 race series but no Rotax classes in their racing program. This club cannot receive money. Then you will have to choose to use your entries at club A or B (not both).

Conditions: Engine must be purchased at the latest on March 31st, 2018. Customer must give proof of a 2018 club membership in good standings. The Club must provide official 2018 race calendar with conditions. The money will be transferred to the club prior the first club race. Money applies to race entry fees only and is not transferable nor redeemable for cash. This program covers 2018 club races only. At the end of the season, if the customer did not race enough to cover the whole money, the club keeps the money.

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