Keep up to date with how our Canadian drivers are doing at the first round of the 2021 ROK Cup USA Florida Winter Tour, held this weekend in Pompano Beach, Florida.
ROK Cup Florida Winter Tour Pompano Beach Final Results
ROK Mini
4. Jensen Burnett
21. Jordan Di Leo
ROK Senior
8. Ben Cooper
22. Laurent Legault
25. Mathieu Cousineau
26. Lucas Pernod
ROK Micro
7. Rocco Simone
10. Gabriel Balog
14. Justin DiLucia
ROK Shifter
8. Davide Greco
DNF. Thomas Nepveu
DNF. Antonio Serravalle
VLR Junior
7. Ayden Ingratta (P2 on track + jump start penalty)
ROK Junior
6. Ayden Ingratta
8. Alex Berg
DNF. Marcello Paniccia
VLR Masters
2. Anthony Simone
3. Cayden Goodridge
ROK Cup Florida Winter Tour Pompano Beach PreFinal Results
ROK Mini
6. Jensen Burnett
10. Jordan Di Leo
ROK Senior
7. Ben Cooper
20. Mathieu Cousineau
31. Lucas Pernod
DNF. Laurent Legault
ROK Micro
8. Rocco Simone
15. Gabriel Balog
20. Justin DiLucia
ROK Shifter
9. Thomas Nepveu
14. Davide Greco
20. Antonio Serravalle
VLR Junior
8. Ayden Ingratta
ROK Junior
9. Marcello Paniccia
12. Ayden Ingratta
26. Alex Berg
VLR Masters
2. Anthony Simone
DNF. Cayden Goodridge
Heat #2 Results
ROK Mini
4. Jensen Burnett
12. Jordan Di Leo
ROK Senior
5. Ben Cooper
19. Mathieu Cousineau
21. Laurent Legault
DNF. Lucas Pernod
ROK Micro
5. Rocco Simone
6. Gabriel Balog
14. Justin DiLucia
ROK Shifter
9. Antonio Serravalle
10. Davide Greco
12. Thomas Nepveu
VLR Junior
4. Ayden Ingratta
ROK Junior
8. Ayden Ingratta
9. Marcello Paniccia
17. Alex Berg
VLR Masters
2. Anthony Simone
5. Cayden Goodridge
Heat #1 Results
ROK Mini
6. Jensen Burnett
8. Jordan Di Leo
ROK Senior
9. Ben Cooper
18. Mathieu Cousineau
20. Laurent Legault
22. Lucas Pernod
ROK Micro
4. Gabriel Balog
10. Rocco Simone
12. Justin DiLucia
ROK Shifter
12. Thomas Nepveu
15. Antonio Serravalle
17. Davide Greco
VLR Junior
15. Ayden Ingratta
ROK Junior
8. Ayden Ingratta
13. Marcello Paniccia
15. Alex Berg
VLR Masters
3. Cayden Goodridge
5. Anthony Simone
Qualifying Update
ROK Mini
4. Jordan Di Leo
6. Jensen Burnett
ROK Senior
9. Ben Cooper
15. Mathieu Cousineau
24. Lucas Pernod
25. Laurent Legault
ROK Micro
4. Gabriel Balog
12. Rocco Simone
18. Justin DiLucia
ROK Shifter
7. Antonio Serravalle
12. Davide Greco
16. Thomas Nepveu
VLR Junior
6. Ayden Ingratta
ROK Junior
8. Ayden Ingratta
16. Marcello Paniccia
17. Alex Berg
VLR Masters
2. Anthony Simone
3. Cayden Goodridge