On and off for the past half decade, racers and kart clubs in Canada’s capital region have tried to work together and combine their efforts into one solid race program, however, obstacle after obstacle has always left it a challenge for everyone to race together. That is all set to change in 2018 as the Valley Karting Championship has been created thanks to the efforts of Charlotte Lalonde and Gord Costello.
The new series will pit the Quyon Karting Club and the Lombardy Kart Club together for eight races this summer, all battling it out for bragging rights on both sides of Ottawa. To learn more about the series, read our article here.
Recently we had the chance to ask Charlotte Lalonde some questions, not only about the new series and how everyone came to grips but also about her own racing passions and what her plans are in 2018.
Enjoy our conversation below.
“I offered to meet with some of the LKA members on behalf of LCQ’s drivers, to see if there was any way we could try and work together to come up with a schedule for this upcoming season.”
“I can’t speak to what happened in the years past since I wasn’t involved in the meetings, but from what I have learned from past spring is how difficult it is to come up with a schedule, especially since there is rarely ever communications between all the race clubs to ensure there is no conflict of race weekends.”
“Its also really challenging for club organizers and members to come together to work with one another when we all have other winter commitments, school, and jobs!”
“The class structures will be similar if not the same as all other clubs in Ontario/Quebec. We are hoping to have strong numbers in the Briggs Junior, Senior, and Master’s classes which is the main reason our two clubs are coming together to have this inter-club series.”
“There are 4 races at Lombardy Karting Association, and 4 at Le Circuit Quyon. We are following all ASN rules, so everyone participating in other series is more than welcomed to join us for a race or two! Each race will be organized by the staff of each track. Each track is allowed to have one event that is not affiliated with the Valley Karting Championship. Le Circuit Quyon will be having their annual end of season enduro on Sunday, September 23rd. Lombardy Karting Association will hold their annual fall classic which will be held on Sunday, September 16th.”
“Of course! I hope to race karts as much as I can this summer and definitely will be participating in the Valley Series, as well as some Ron Fellows races, Coupe de Montreal and some races in the USA with Margay.”
“F1600 is going to be my main racing priority this summer. Making the jump to a car has been an awesome experience and I am very much looking forward to it! I’ll be competing in both the Toyo Tires F1600 series as well as the F1600 Canada Championship Series.”
“Ottawa winters are brutal. As I write this article I am wondering if spring will ever come since its still in the negatives here! With this cold weather and the workload I have in school I am definitely looking forward to getting in a kart and the 1600 car.”
To learn more about the Valley Karting Championship reach out to http://lecircuitquyon.com or http://lombardykarting.com.