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2014 ASN Canada FIA Canadian National Karting Championships Location Announced

CKN Exclusive

2014 ASN Canada FIA Canadian National Karting Championships Location Announced

ASN CanadaCKN has confirmed that the ASN Canada FIA 2014 Canadian National Karting Championships will return to Mont Tremblant, Québec at the Jim Russell Karting Academy.

Paul Cooke, ASN’s Vice President made the announcement at the conclusion of the victory ceremony at the 2013 Championships at Goodwood Kartways in August.

“It was raining at the conclusion of the Goodwood podium celebration and people were headed for cover. Nevertheless, we are pleased that Karting Mont Tremblant will host the 16th version of our Championships and we look forward to yet another great event in Québec’s beautiful Laurentian mountains in August next year”.

This will be the fourth time in the last five years that the Canadian Championships will be held in Tremblant.

We want to hear from you. Use the comments section below to let us know if you are happy or unhappy about this decision.

Photo by: Cody Schindel/CKN

Photo by: Cody Schindel/CKN

With the 2014 ASN Canadian Karting Championships confirmed for Mont-Tremblant, are you happy with the decision?

  • I would rather the Nationals elsewhere (57%, 158 Votes)
  • Absolutely, It's the best place to go! (38%, 105 Votes)
  • Undecided (5%, 13 Votes)

Total Voters: 276

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